Le chant liturgique orthodoxe des grillons !
Jim Wilson, compositeur, a enregistré le chant des grillons et a ensuite ralenti l’enregistrement, révélant quelque chose d’incroyable.
Les grillons ont l’air de chanter en choeur en parfaite harmonie et de la manière la plus angélique qui soit.
Bien que cela ressemble à des voix humaines, tout ce que vous entendez dans l’enregistrement vient des grillons eux-mêmes.
« L’enregistrement contient deux pistes jouées en même temps: La première est le son naturel des grillons jouée à vitesse normale, et la seconde est la version ralentie du chant des grillons... J’ai découvert que lorsque je ralentis cet enregistrement à différents niveaux, ce son simple et familier a commencé à se transformer en quelque chose de très mystique et complexe…….presque humain. »
Le chant des grillons a été placée en arrière-plan de cette vidéo
Il n'a pas été possible de reproduire ce chant par un simple ralentissement d'un enregistrement de grillons et il est supposé qu'il y a eu une manipulation plus complexe faite par Jim Wilson. Ecouter un essafait en faisant un simple ralentissement. Le résultat est plutôt angoissant.
his is the sound of mutiple field crickets slowed down 50 times. There is various pitch changes on the tracks. However, it dosen't sound like an angel choir. Jim Wilson may had recorded crickets and slowed down the recording, but he had obviously modified the file to make it sound like some angelic choir (he is musician after all).
God's Cricket Chorus: Real or Hoax?
God's Cricket Chorus: Real or Hoax? A recording of crickets chirping is said to sound like a human chorus singing in harmony when the sounds are slowed down. Is this true or false? Although the ...
Jim Wilson | God's Chorus of Crickets | crickets audio recording slowed way down by acornavi
Tom Waits (on Jim Wilson): "Wilson, he's always playing with time. I heard a recording recently of crickets slowed way down. It sounds like a choir, it sounds like angel music. Something sparkling ...
Tom Waits (on Jim Wilson): "Wilson, he's always playing with time. I heard a recording recently of crickets slowed way down. It sounds like a choir, it sounds like angel music. Something sparkling, celestial with full harmony and bass parts - you wouldn't believe it. It's like a sweeping chorus of heaven, and it's just slowed down, they didn't manipulate the tape at all. So I think when Wilson slows people down, it gives you a chance to watch them moving through space. And there's something to be said for slowing down the world."
Source: "Woyzeck to run at Freud Playhouse". Daily Bruin (USA), by Andrew Lee. December 3, 2002
Find more on the recording on this link: www.
Tom Waits on Tom waits talking about this recording - gloriousnoise.com/2008/tom_
More on the recording - hearingvoices.com/
You can buy original recording here - www.amazon.com/Gods-Chorus-
Original recording from the author - www.constancedemby.com/
And more: scienceblogs.com/
Source: "Woyzeck to run at Freud Playhouse". Daily Bruin (USA), by Andrew Lee. December 3, 2002
Find more on the recording on this link: www.democraticunderground.com/10023815586
Listen to the lovely orchestra of crickets singing at human speed [audio] [updated] - Holy Kaw!
Want to hear something magical? Experimental director and playwright, Robert Wilson, caught a hauntingly beautiful piece of music one night, a recording of crickets. That part is common enough, but
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